Techonomy joins international The Relevance Group

Techonomy, the digital and data service provider from Eindhoven, is becoming part of the The Relevance Group. TRG (The Relevance Group) is a group of similar companies in Europe that, in addition to a market strategy per country, also works on an international, European scale. Techonomy, like the other parts within TRG, will continue to operate under its own name with the same management.

Techonomy started eight years ago as a startup in digital & data services aimed at companies and social organizations in the Netherlands and Belgium. The focus was on knowledge and technologies that enabled organizations to gain more insight into their markets and customers to realize growth with new digital solutions.

After its foundation, Techonomy grew rapidly in the first few years and was one of the first companies in the Netherlands to link data insights to the rapidly emerging market of marketing software. After this first period, Covid in 2020 and 2021 brought forward the need for many organizations to respond more consciously to the digital relationship with customers. This market demand proved to be sustainable. In recent years, Techonomy has achieved an annual growth of 30%.

The move to The Relevance Group gives Techonomy the opportunity to use its knowledge internationally even more often and to utilize the synergy with the other companies within TRG. One of the fellow companies is Markteffect, one of the leading market research agencies in the Netherlands. Other TRG companies are in Germany and Switzerland. The Relevance Group, led by GROUP CEO Andreas Hannemann, plans to further strategically expand its portfolio in the coming months to realize its vision of becoming a leading integrated marketing service provider in Europe. The expansion is supported by the Swiss investor group Ufenau Capital Partners.

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Damian François (CEO) and Peter Sprenger (President) in front of the SX building in Eindhoven where Techonomy is located.

Damian François, CEO of Techonomy, is pleased with the company's next step: "In recent years, we have become a mature service provider with 65 great people who can implement all conceivable expertise within the digital and data domain in conjunction with our customers and make it a success. This fits in perfectly with TRG's ambitions to allow companies to benefit from each other's knowledge. We are especially looking forward to the collaboration with Markteffect because together we can further increase our added value for customers in the Dutch and Belgian markets. In recent years, we have also made international steps on our own with clients such as UEFA and via our activities in Australia. We can now exchange all knowledge and experience in the TRG network. For our employees, it is a great step forward to show themselves on new stages again”.

The philosophy of The Relevance Group is to let the affiliated companies retain their own market position, management and name. In addition, the affiliated companies are also partly co-owners of the group. There will be no changes in the composition of the board and management at Techonomy. In addition to François, Tom van den Boom has fulfilled the COO role for several years. Techonomy's Australian activities will remain independent and will not become part of the new structure.

Peter Sprenger, president and together with Arno de Kloet, founder of Techonomy is pleased with the new development: “The route of recent years has been a very beautiful and adventurous one. When we started, we decided to take an innovative path with the youngest and best talents from the market and to build up knowledge that was far ahead of the market. The first few years were hard work because the market did not yet know enough about the possibilities of innovating within marketing and sales and working more data-driven. Later, we were rewarded for this lead when large, well-known companies such as KNVB, De Mandemakers Groep, CNV Vakbond, Eindhoven Airport and many others entered into long-term partnerships with us. The collaboration with TRG is something to be proud of and a logical step that fits in with the line from startup to scale-up to grown-up company. In the coming years, the interests of our customers and the development of our employees will continue to come first. Personally, I think it is great to continue to contribute to this”.

For more information, please contact

Peter Sprenger

Peter Sprenger


+31 (0)6 29 53 79 70

Damian François

Damian François


+31 (0)6 57 88 59 34